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 [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial

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[Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Empty
PostSubject: [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial   [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 9:21 am

I haven't actually posted this anywhere yet, but I may do. It's not fair keeping a brilliant CF effect from everyone.

Step 1: I'll be using a 2004 Honda Civic Type-R for this tutorial. Go grab one; they're 12,000Cr without discounts.

Step 2: Paint the entire car in 'Special Colours' Silver #2 - normally I would just do the bonnet/hood, but this is to make the roof of this car CF Wink

Step 3: Get up on to Hood/Top/Trunk and grab yourself a nice black square. In this tutorial I'm CFing the area between the lines on the roof, so make sure it covers at least that area. Set it's Transparency to 0.85

Step 4: Go get Gradent Shape 19 (The names are displayed in the blue bar at the top of the screen). Keep it black, spin it to 335.00 and set the Size to X:0.04 Y:1.44.

Step 5: Copy it and move it to the right just enough that it aligns - but not overlaps - the previous layer.

Step 6: Repeat Step 5 - after 5 or 6 layers collect them into a group and keep going. Then it's a simple matter to cover up any CF outside where you want it Cheesy

Notes: It takes roughly 80 layers to apply this to a fairly large hood like the R34 Skyline - possibly more than some other methods. The effect is, however... profound. Smiley
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The Man
The Man

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[Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial   [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2008 4:45 pm

Sweet, thxs bro!
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[Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial   [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 9:30 pm

I got a good CF plot but I am going to try this one out. I always think that your carbon was amazing. Does your carbon shift alot?
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PostSubject: Re: [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial   [Pansy Paint] Carbon Fibre Tutorial Icon_minitime

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