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 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*

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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2008 7:11 pm

Hey guys I have another car for the classic pack that is going to be Top 100. I have it right now at 150 only 0.4 off the 100 mark. I only worked on it for about 4 hours I am sure that

we can get it the rest of the way in the Top 100. Tell me what you guys think about this car for the classic pack. Thanks

EDIT: This little beast is sitting at #95 at Suzuka West and #70 at Suzuka Full Version all in the matter of 2 days. This has to be one of the funniest cars I made.

1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Forzaae86gd8

1985 Toyota Sprinter
3S-GTE Swap (95 MR-2)
541 HP
430 Ft Lbs
1,866 Lbs

Speed 6.4
Accel 5.7
Braking 5.3
Handling 4.6


0-60 5.840
0-100 9.530
Top Speed 185.5 Mph

60-0 105.5 Feet
100-0 280.2 Feet

Lateral G's
60 mph 1.01
120 mph 0.98

Last edited by Rotarypower on Fri May 16, 2008 10:22 pm; edited 3 times in total
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John Mclane
John Mclane

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Join date : 2008-04-29

1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 12:40 am

im baaaaack! hurray!

Im loving this car great job man! ...could this be another roadster???

Gonna go hotlap it a bit now.
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 10:57 am

Well John it sure feels like the roadster because it is so light and fast. It doesn't want to roll over like the Roadster but it is truely a blast to drive. I hope that you like both my creations. Thanks for letting me go out and tune some cars for you guys.
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John Mclane
John Mclane

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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 2:11 pm

.800 more and Its in top 100 for me.
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 3:46 pm

Yes that is where I was for awhile of so. Did you happen to look at my replay some or race my ghost. It might help. It is a little terror isn't it. LOL. Twisted Evil
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 9:27 pm

OP is updated with the current times for the Toyota Twisted Evil
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John Mclane
John Mclane

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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 10:40 pm

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2008 12:45 pm

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2008 12:47 pm

Updated the time for the Sprinter at Suzuka West. Now it is sitting at #90 with a 1:15.122 so now we are well in the Top 100. Hope you guys can join me there. king
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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*   1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100* Icon_minitime

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1985 Toyota Sprinter (AE86) Suzuka + Suzuka West *TOP 100*
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